Exercise grids templates for Krita

Since years, I didn’t have a good way to train my drawing skills on a daily basis, because I couldn’t find a motivating exercise that suit my needs…

And practising regularly is the best way I know to get better at drawing 😉

But I recently finally find a way ! Inspired by this video by Matt Kohr, and with the great resource I finally find here : http://artists.pixelovely.com/, I can know take half an hour daily to train myself !

But because I work digitally (with the great Krita software), one last thing was missing : a template file to quickly get started on the morning.

So, I made them, and maybe your are interested in the method and the resource, so you can download them here. (Creative Commons Zero License)

They are very simple : one is an 8192x8192px image which gives you 64 1024x1024px slots for drawing (or 64 poses during 1 minutes ), and one is a 4096x4096px image which gives you 16 1024x1024px slots for a shorter session, or to work with a less powerful computer.


To install them, unzip, and paste the folder ( templates ) into your Krita user preference directory ( example on linux : ~/.kde4/share/apps/krita/ )
You can also open your preference directory inside Krita : Edit > Ressources > Open Resources Folder , don’t forget to restart Krita after.

How to use

Pick a pen brush (or another brush you want to practice with), zoom to the first slot, start a drawing session on one of those websites : https://line-of-action.com/ or http://www.posemaniacs.com//, and stop when the session is finished or when every slot is filled. You can draw out of the lines 😉